Family Friendly Painting!

As the owner of a small business, I feel it’s important to listen to your customers needs.  I have been asked often if their TEENS or TWEENS are welcome to our Adult Classes.  While, they “may” attend, I cannot always guarantee the type of crowd we may have for the evening.  We don’t get TOO crazy here, but Adults like to talk and laugh about Adult issues.  😉

Effective November 2017, we will offer Family Friendly classes on Sunday afternoons.  We will paint on the same canvas (16×20). Everything is the same except no alcohol is allowed.  The themes of our paintings will cater to teens through senior citizens.  So feel free to sign up your WHOLE family for our Sunday afternoon classes.

Unfortunately, we only have one room at Gogh Paint, so if I have a Private Party scheduled for Sunday there may not be a Family class available.  Please check our calendar for the most current schedule and as always please reserve your spot ahead of time.

If you have other suggestions on what to implement at our studio, I’ll be more than happy to hear about it!

Amy Margiotta

Gogh Paint

Tracy - May 9, 2018

When is the next family painting. How do I find out what is being painted? Also my niece is 6. How much?

    Amy - May 9, 2018

    Thank you for contacting us about Family Painting Events. We typically offer them on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 pm. This Sunday is our Mother’s Day event and next Sunday we have 2 private parties. Our next Family Day is Sunday, May 27th at 2:00 pm. We are painting a Dolphin painting. It may be a bit advanced for a 6 year old though. We also have Kids classes Saturday’s at 11:00 am. Adults often join in on the fun. Unfortunately, this Saturday we have another Private event (almost never happens on a Saturday morning). You can see our schedule for May and June on our website under “Calendar”. You can register right from the Calendar as well. If you have trouble viewing our calendar, I can send you a .pdf of them.
    Thank you,
    Amy Margiotta
    Gogh Paint

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